Recent Projects

  • Octave

    Octave is a powerful music player with better tag management and music recommendation. You will find it on the Play Store .

  • Tide

    Tide is a modern Waveform Seek Bar library for Android written in Java. You will find the GitHub repository here .

  • Extensions

    Extensions is a collection of helpers for accessing features in Android Application. You will find the GitHub repository here .

  • Log Compat

    Log Compat is a minimal log viewer for Android Application. You will find the GitHub repository here .

  • Recycler View Compat

    Recycler View Compat (rvcompat) is a flexible compatible library for fast scroll recycler view, adapter and view holder with support of OnClickListener, OnLongClickListener and many more. You will find the GitHub repository here .

  • Tasker - An AsyncTask Alternative

    Tasker is intended to enable proper and easy use of the UI and background thread. AsyncTask is going to be deprecated in API level 30. Android reference suggests to use the standard java.util.concurrent class as alternative (more you can read here ). Tasker is a wrapper class of java.util.concurrent to run computation on a background thread and publish the result on the UI thread. You will find the GitHub repository here .

  • Android DText Library

    DText (for curious mind, it is DrawableText) is a minimal Android Library that creates beautiful drawable from a string. You can use it from anywhere in your project. It is written in Java. The source code is published under GPLv3. You will find the GitHub repository here .

  • Google Search Bot

    Google Search Bot is a Telegram bot project. It crawls search results from Google and passes the first 50 results to the Telegram bot as InlineQueryResult . You will find the GitHub repository here .

  • Internet Speed Meter

    Internet Speed Meter is a simple and minimal Internet speed meter extension for Gnome Shell. You will find the GitHub repository here and in Gnome extensions here .

  • Sirius

    Sirius is a bash script that does automatic package installations and configuration that I used to do after a new Fedora installation. You will find the GitHub repository here .

  • Attendance Management System

    I wrote a full featured attendance management system as a part of my class work. It can take attendance, analyze attendance, send and receive messages in between guardians and teachers, notify guardians if a student misses a class and so on. It was written in Dot Net Core .

  • Beach Racer

    Beach Racer is a 2D racing game that I wrote as a part of my class work. It was written in C/C++.

Beside all of these, I wrote a lot of bash scripts, compiled AOSP and created DIY projects with Arduino .